
Murder at Blood Mansion: An intense murder mystery card game

Created by Braden Barty Media

Blood Mansion is a murder mystery card game for 2-6 players. It's set in 1899 England and Lady Blood has invited a few of her friends over where, of course, a murder takes place. It's your job to solve the crime unless YOU are the killer, then it's your job to escape. 76 Tarot sized cards, 9 wooden character tokens come in the box. Art by Parker Jacobs. Game designed by Braden Barty

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 6 years ago – Wed, Aug 09, 2017 at 12:29:04 PM

Hello, We did it, thank you!

Stay tuned for BackerKit Surveys(that's how you get the game). We are getting those ready. Once you get the survey, fill it out, this will ensure that we get your rewards shipped to you in a timely manner.

We are working with Panda Games to get this game into manufacturing as soon as possible. So that’s our priority for the time being.

Pre-Order page on Kickstarter will be available soon to those who want more or missed out.

We will keep you informed. Any questions please don't hesitate to ask either a direct message on in the comment page.


Braden Barty

Final Hours - Final member of the Mansion revealed!
over 6 years ago – Tue, Aug 08, 2017 at 10:13:15 PM

Check out Parker's art on our newest member of the Mansion. So far we are calling her Dame Heather. She's in the permanent game. Scheme: Steal Action. She can take up to 2 or 3 action cards (still working on the rule) from any of the players if she's feeling like it could help. She knows how to get things done. (yes, that changes Van Molders Scheme a little bit)

work in progress
work in progress

 Anyway, Parker was spot on with capturing Heather's character on this card. Good job, man! Boy, he makes it tempting for those on the fence thinking about getting their own personal card for their own game!

About 24 hours left and another Suspect Joins Blood Mansion.
over 6 years ago – Mon, Aug 07, 2017 at 09:30:49 PM

Dear Backer,

Any murder mystery game, I always say, should be like a woman. The more left to the imagination, the more excitement there is. 

I’ve just looked at my watch and it's true we have about 24 hours left in this rollicking little campaign. It has really taken off these past few hours. (2nd best day on record) We are thrilled and excited for all you new backers coming to join us at the mansion. We have been patiently waiting for you by the door. I understand that our creators, Braden, Parker and the little one Jonah (where did he come from?) recorded Podcast last night during a Live Kickstarter, playing the game with the folks of GEEK SAY WHAT? Looks like Tabitha was the Murderer and was caught red handed with the rifle by Meriwether. She was found with a black suspicious hand bag with traces of the victim’s blood on it (how messy). What tipped him off was all the rubbish she was talking about the victim prior to the murder. Too careless. You can watch the replay here or download the podcast on itunes now. (This is their website where it will soon be available)

Geek Say What? Jonah took us all out!
Geek Say What? Jonah took us all out!

OK, so we have another huge update. Stretch goal Gear Shaped Wooden Character Tokens at $28K. So Backer, that one’s on you. And I’ve just checked with the programmers at Kicktraq and they have predicted that we will meet our final stretch goal by campaign end under a full moon. Fancy that. A Fancy little bag to hold those endearing little tokens. Is it possible to say you will be receiving a “deluxe version” of the game before anyone even has a crack at the standard version? I believe that is correct.

Gear Shaped Wooden Tokens!
Gear Shaped Wooden Tokens!



Now, looks like someone has finally fetched up that top tier backer reward. That’s right, “The 7th Suspect”. This brings our captivating character count now to 9, or 10 if you are one of the backers in that $300 reward tier. So, a backer, who admires the game so much, who was able to play our beta deck with her family put herself into the game. Makes perfect logical sense right? Thank you Heather, you have made Parker’s deadlines even more frantic. We now have to rewrite the rules, and figure out your Scheme but I suspect it has something tied in with "Action". So far this is what we know about her Character. Her name is Heather. A socialite who comes from Scottish royalty, she’s into high fashion, shops at Harrods of London and dresses very, very well. She’s the life of the party, but when pushed into a corner she will not just stand by and take any form of punishment or embarrassment. Get on her bad side, she will defend her good name and family crest at all costs. Even if it means…..the M word. We thank you.
So Heather, we thank you. And your children should thank you. Sadly though, their grandchildren will think that they made up the story of their great-grandmother being in a family classic card game called Murder at Blood Mansion.  

Very well, this very well might be the last time I personally will be updating you before this thing ends. It’s been a huge pleasure serving you, let’s see if Braden can hold your attention as long as I have been able to.

Thank you. 

Sincerely, Lucious, Keeper of Blood Mansion.

Hi guys!
over 6 years ago – Mon, Aug 07, 2017 at 05:15:11 PM

Since we are less than 48 hours away, I just wanted to post my own update to say thank you for being so cool! I'm really surprise at how we have become our own community of people excited about the development of this super-fun game. It has been a blast! Who else do you know would be interested in Blood Manor? Let 'em know before its too late!

300% funded with Stretch Goal: Spot UV Printed Box
over 6 years ago – Sat, Aug 05, 2017 at 11:40:58 PM

Hello Backer,

I am scared easily. Here is a list of my adrenaline - production: 1: small dogs in a bag on a commercial flight, 2: boring people(myself included), 3: high places 4: that our next card game will not be as good as the last one. Goodness me. We have reached another milestone with $23K and over 300% funded. Great job! Now we will have a pretty box with UV spot printing. Does anyone even know what that is? It’s almost like 3D but without the silly red and blue glasses they make you wear. So excited that your box will not only smell great, it will appeal to even the most stern game hater and possibly serve as a mantel piece.

OK, Parker worked all night the other day on, not just 1 card, but 3! He is a craftsman whose talents should not be ignored. Introducing:


And still one more backer achievement before we can move on with that Print-N-Play. You folks really can’t wait for this game to be shipped can you? Which one will it be? - finding 8 more Twitter or 27 more Instagram followers. Frankly, I prefer Instagram since they say a picture tells a 1000 words.

Also, we got noticed by a champion card game designer, Blue Beard Entertainment whom we adore. They came out with a game not too long ago, wonderful artwork to appreciate, Dracula's Feast, which is somewhat of a hidden roles game with no narrator, no 'eyes closed' phase, no player elimination, and no chance of getting the generic ‘villager’ role. This game too would make a wonderful bookend along with ours. Check out their other current live campaign as well, Ninjistu. Love the artwork, how do they do it? Ok, I’m counting down the day/hours until the end. Braden is uploading the cards to Panda’s Dropbox and we are as busy as can be.

Drop boxing as we speak
Drop boxing as we speak


Thank you, Sincerely, Lucious, Keeper of Blood Mansion.